
8月. 16: New Student Move-In
8月. 18: 转移 学生 and Returning 学生 Move-In
8月. 16-19: New Student 取向
8月. 17: 转移 Student 取向

国际 学生

国际 学生 should contact Campus Life (CampusLife@gharsocho.com or 812-535-5219) to coordinate their arrival on campus.

取向 Schedule

Full schedule coming soon.


8月. 19第一个星期一
8月. 20: First Day of Class

A student with her family poses in front of Le Fer


Roommate Information

As exciting as it can be to move into a residence hall, 第一次和陌生人住在一起似乎也很伤脑筋. 话虽如此,有一个室友可以是一个很好的机会去了解别人. Here are some tips for creating a great roommate relationship!

Four students eating pizza and chatting in a dorm room
  1. Be honest and be yourself! 就像任何一段新的关系一样,你会想要以正确的方式开始,做真实的自己. This way your roommate can get to know the real you. If you are open about your own personality, 希望, 和需要, it’s likely that your roommate will open up as well.
  2. Have an open mind. Not everyone is coming from the same background that you are, 事实上, 你在大学里遇到的大多数人都来自与你截然不同的行业. 试着去理解和体谅别人的身份和经历.
  3. Set clear expectations from the beginning. 你和你的室友永远不会知道对方在想什么, 因此,您需要明确您对共享空间的期望是什么. 想想看:谁来负责倒垃圾? How late can you leave the lights on at night? Can you borrow each other’s belongings? These are important questions, 所以我们建议你在搬进来后尽快和你的室友讨论这些问题. Roommate contracts can be super helpful!
  4. 你不需要和你的室友成为最好的朋友,甚至不需要成为朋友. 我们永远不会指望你在不应该成为朋友的时候强迫别人做朋友. 然而, 我们确实希望你们能建立一种相互尊重的关系,并分享双方都支付的空间. 有些室友会成为好朋友,有些只是偶尔聊天. Either type of relationship is fine, 只要你们能够相互沟通和尊重.
  5. When in doubt, talk it out. 就像你和你的室友可能有不同的生活方式一样, 你也可能有不同的方式来处理冲突. 无论你和室友的关系如何,冲突总会在某个时候出现. 确保你度过难关的最好方法就是谈论它.
  6. Remember, t在这里’s always someone 在这里 to help! Make sure you get to know your Resident Assistant, as they can help when conflict becomes too tough to handle. 助理助理在调解和冲突管理方面受过专门训练,他们总是乐意帮助你解决问题.


Mail and Packages

每天都有U.S. Postal mail service delivery. Our mail service operates similarly to pharmacy pick-up. 学生邮件将被送到勒费尔大厅的前台,并在正常前台时间内领取. 当学生收到包裹时,他们会收到一封电子邮件通知他们.

A closer look at the wall of mail boxes

包裹将在正常营业时间内存放在乐费尔酒店前台. 请注意:保质快递或其他定时提前递送包裹独立于SMWC.

Your mailing address should be formatted as follows:

1 St Mary of Woods Coll
Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876



  • Guests signed-in and escorted on the residential floors.
  • 公共安全 is available to assist students and can be reached at 812-535-6400.

Other safety tips:

Pomeroy Alert logo
  • Everyone is encouraged to sign up for 文本警报.
  • 不要为进入大楼的陌生人开着门,他们必须使用SMWC学生证. We know it seems rude, but it’s okay!
  • If you see anything suspicious, report it to 公共安全.
  • Never lend out your 房间钥匙 or SMWC学生证.

丢失的钥匙 & 遗失学生证

钥匙遗失费25美元,学生证遗失费15美元. 在付款后,钥匙需要2个工作日才能切割-所以请确保您始终知道钥匙在哪里!

If you have lost your 房间钥匙,请 contact Campus Life 立即.

If you have lost your SMWC学生证,请 go directly to 公共安全 on the garden level of 乐费尔大厅.

Always keep your door locked!



Student exercising on treadmill
  • 64俱乐部位于Knoerle中心,是一个拥有最新设备的全面健身中心,如椭圆机, 跑步机, stationary bicycles, a full nautilus circuit and free weight area.
  • Studio ’64 is located on the garden level of 乐费尔大厅. 这是一个用于学生活动、项目和组织会议的多功能空间. Additionally, yoga is offered on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 p.m. and a self-defense/karate class is offered on Tuesdays at 6 p.m.
  • Oakley学生中心(OSC)位于乐费尔大厅的花园层. 有一个台球桌,乒乓球,和丰富的游戏和拼图供学生使用.
  • 电子竞技休息室即将在乐费尔大厅的花园层开放给所有SMWC学生.
  • 圣心教堂位于勒弗堂一楼,每天对所有SMWC学生开放. 校园事工全年都在教堂举行服务,这是国际戒指仪式的地点.


SMWC致力于以财政上负责任的方式为校园社区提供优质的服务和产品. 餐饮服务提供各种食物的选择,包括健康,素食主义者,和素食的选择. 如果你住在学校,膳食计划包括在你的住宿费和食宿费中. T在这里 is only one meal plan.

Student getting a coffee from the woods student center

The meal plan includes: breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday; brunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.

SMWC学生证: Your SMWC学生证 is your meal card, 进入勒费尔大厅和使用校园打印和复印服务的代理卡. Be sure to carry it with you at all times. If your ID is not working,请 contact Student Affairs 电话:812-535-5281或到勒费尔大厅一楼学生事务处. If you lose your ID,请 contact 公共安全.


Please register your vehicle online by 8月ust 18, 2023. 请花时间确保您的车辆登记信息准确和完整. 您每年将在第一个星期一登记时领取您的停车吊牌. The hangtag must be properly displayed on your vehicle.

请注意,公共安全部将开始对未登记车辆开罚单 Monday, 8月ust 21, 2023.

如果您对这个过程有任何疑问,请随时联系 公共安全 学系 812-535-6400 or visit their offices on the garden level of Le Fer.


Student using laundry machines in Le Fer

Le Fer和Les Bois的每个住宅楼层都有洗衣间. These rooms are open and available 24 hours a day. 洗衣设施已包含在房费中,除乐费尔大厅花园层的洗衣机外,不需要货币. These facilities are to be used by resident students only.

How to operate a washing machine at SMWC

How to operate a dryer at SMWC


信息技术为学生、教师、员工和客人提供技术支持. 联系 the help desk 在这里.